Regular Care of Your Stainless Steel Sink
While our Seamless Sinks are uniquely easier to keep clean because of the seamless drain, 1/2" radius corners and removable, dishwasher safe splash guard, routine care and maintenance of your stainless steel kitchen sink is still recommended. Regular cleaning can help prolong its factory quality and ensure the highest of sanitary conditions.

Step 1
To get started, you’re going to need a few items:
1. Powdered Bar Keepers Friend cleaning solution.
2. A soft, non-abrasive sponge.
3. And a microfiber cloth or paper towels for drying.

Step 2
Rinse your sink with water and ensure that there is no debris anywhere.

Step 3
Coat the sink with Bar Keepers Friend and gently rub the cleaner into every surface of the sink with your sponge. Ensure to only move in the same direction as the grain of the stainless steel to avoid scratching.

Step 4
Allow the cleaning solution to rest in the basin for 1 minute.
Please be advised: If Bar Keepers Friend is left to rest longer than prescribed, it can damage the surface of your sink. Reference the cleaner’s directions for more guidance.

Step 5
Rinse away the solution, being sure to wash away all residual Bar Keepers Friend.

Step 6
Dry the sink with a microfiber cloth or paper towel. Again, being sure to only dry in the exact same direct as the grain of the stainless steel.

Step 7
If your sink has a disposal, you can clean your splash guard anytime by simply removing it from the seamless drain and placing it in a dishwasher or cleaning by hand.