37" Large Workstation Kitchen Sink - Single Bowl - Offset Drain Right (5LS37R)
The sale price on this 37" workstation sink has an additional mark down from $995 to $945 through the end of the year!
Our 37" oversized, gorgeous, single bowl workstation sink. You can easily use several accessories simultaneously and turn your kitchen sink into a multi-functional prep and serving zone.
We recommend our right side drain sinks when the dishwasher is to the right of the sink. More on our offset drain design here.
This 37" sink would pair beautifully in material and finish with our Bella Faucet.
Recommended Standard Base Cabinet: 39"
Professional Design Tools
Professional Design Tools are for kitchen designers and architects.
They can only be opened with professional CAD software.

Faucets that match our sinks perfectly
We offer a selection of solid 304 stainless steel faucets in the same brushed finish as our sinks.